Head Injuries

A head injury is when a bump or impact causes your brain to shake inside your skull. The delicate brain tissue can get bruised if you fall, hit, or bump your head. Next, bleeding may start, causing the brain to swell.
Eastcare Accident Emergency Services

Have a life threatening emergency?请致电 111

What are the types of head injury?

Common causes of head injury are sports injuries and accidents on bikes, motorcycles and cars. However, fights and domestic violence can also cause brain injury.

A concussion is a term usually used to describe a mild head injury. However, no injury to the head is ever to be taken lightly. After any bump to the head, it is important that the injured person is not left alone and their condition is monitored. Sometimes brain injury symptoms do not show up for hours, even up to 48 hours following an injury, as the brain may slowly swell.

What type of head injury can cause injury to your brain?

Furthermore, major fall or serious knock to the head is called a traumatic head or brain injury. If someone is knocked out or has lost consciousness, it is possible that they have a fractured skull. It could also cause a serious brain injury. So, early first aid treatment of a head injury is required to prevent possible permanent brain damage.

Common symptoms of a head injury to watch out for

Someone becoming unconscious is the most important symptom to be aware of.  Immediate emergency medical care is needed if someone:

  • loses consciousness even briefly,
  • complains of neck pain
  • is unable to move limbs.
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Unequal pupils 
  • Call 111, and do not move them.

When to come to Urgent Care for a Head Injury

Come to East Care Urgent Care clinic for any of the following symptoms. Our team will assess the severity and plan treatment of a head injury.

  • Appearing dazed or unable to remember things before or immediately after the injury
  • Increasing confusion or irritability
  • Vomiting
  • Problems with eyes, blurred or double vision
  • Severe or increasing headache
  • Behaviour changes
  • Sleepiness
  • Slurred speech

First aid treatment for a mild head injury

A small bump to the head can be monitored at home with proper first aid.

  1. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth to the injured area 
  2. Ensure you rest. However, do not go to sleep for four hours following the injury 
  3. Stay hydrated. Drink clear fluids to prevent vomiting and avoid alcohol 
  4. Take paracetamol for discomfort, but not anything stronger 
  5. A normal night’s sleep is needed, but it is important that someone is with you for the first 48 hours. You should be woken every two hours to check that you wake easily and are orientated to time and place
  6. Ensure that any headache is not getting worse
  7. Remember, do not drive ever a motor vehicle with a head injury.

When to come to Urgent Care for treatment with a mild head injury:

If you or the person looking after you is worried, it is best to come to East Care Urgent Care for an assessment. Prompt care ensures any damage to your brain is diagnosed and treated.

Watch out for any signs of delayed concussion

  • a headache getting worse
  • vomiting
  • visual disturbances
  • drowsiness
  • irritability
Moreover, we’ll also arrange your ACC forms when you see our team at our urgent care clinic.  Sometimes following a head injury, ongoing rehabilitation is required. Rest assured, we’ll refer you to the correct service. 
East Care Health Medical Centre urgent care Fees


  • Address: 260 Botany Road, Howick 2013, Auckland
  • Postal: PO Box 38306, Howick 2145, Auckland

Complementary onsite services

At our Botany Road premises, we offer a number of onsite services including a Pharmacy and Radiology to ensure your visit to the Centre is as stress free as possible.

Health care professionals providing advance care plans


如您想在我们的诊所注册,您先需要填写我们初级卫生保健机构(Primary Health Organisation,简称 PHO)的注册表格。这是新西兰卫生部的规定。您还需要提供身份和资格证明:

  • 新西兰护照或新西兰出生证明,或
  • 其它国家的护照与永久居民签证、居民签证、或 24 个月以上的工作签证






年龄 健康询问会诊 医生会诊 总额
0-13 岁 - 15 分钟
15 分钟
13 至 17 岁 - 15 分钟
15 分钟
18 至 39 岁 15 分钟
15 分钟*
30 分钟
40 岁或以上 15 分钟
30 分钟
45 分钟

* 注:如果您患有长期疾病,请预约 30 分钟。


您在首次会诊后便能使用您的 MyIndici 患者平台。

请在会诊后尽快支付诊费。没有付清的款项每月将会有 $10 额外行政费用。


我们建议您通过您的 MyIndici 患者平台预约。.



MyIndici 患者平台是一个可以让病人看到自己的健康资讯的安全网站。如果您想开通您的患者平台,请致电诊所 (09) 265 1325 或电邮至 info@ormistonmedical.co.nz。

我们建议您在没有药前两周通过您的 MyIndici 患者平台要求重复处方。如果您还没有开通您的患者平台,请致电诊所 (09) 265 1325。我们的医生会通过电子处方系统把您的处方直接发去您所选的药房(请注明药房名称和地点)。
任何是我们的医生开出的检验,在医生检阅结果后就能在您的 MyIndici 患者平台看到。如果您的化验结果有任何异常,我们的医疗团队会联络您。

我们诊所的办公时间是周一至周五,上午 8:30 至下午 5:00。

在办公室见外请前往 East Care 急诊中心,260号 Botany Road, Golfland, Auckland 2013。
电话:(09) 277 1516


Under 14 Years - Free 14 - 17 years - $14 18 years & over - $16


如果您不能如期出席您会诊,请提前 2 小时通知我们诊所,否则将会有收费。